looking for real care for my father.

Questionslooking for real care for my father.
Anonymous asked 8 years ago
I recently attended the RAADfest and therefore was introduced to you. My father whom is 74 years old has just been in the hospital for heart palpitations, his health has been deteriorating for the last 8 years (due to unnecessary med’s) he is on high blood pressure med’s, also an inhaler for the last 10 years and as of the last 9 months on a steroid for pain in his shoulder. I believe that the heart palpitations are from the mix of med’s. I don’t know of any doctor’s in his area of chicago that are like-minded as we are. I am desperate to find someone, so, I am asking you if you know of someone in his area? I thank you kindly for your response. Alternatively, I would fly to Pensacola.
Pauline Capuano
1 Answers
Ward Dean, MD answered 8 years ago
Hi, Pauline, 
Nice to hear from you.
I suggest you check the website for the International College of Integrative Medicine (http://www.icim.org).  They list doctors by area, so you should be able to find someone who can treat your father appropriately.  Most are open to suggestions.  
It sounds as if your father may have atrial fibrillation.  I’m attaching some nutritional suggestions for him in this regard. 
I hope he’s not getting steroid shots in his shoulder, as that will invariably accelerate degeneration of the joint.  I suggest Prolozone or stem cell injections, to help regenerate his shoulder.

Ward Dean, MD